Gift Aid Explanation

What is Gift Aid?

UK charities are entitled to claim an extra 25p from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) for every £1 you give.  This is an option open to UK taxpayers, and costs you nothing.

What do I have to do?

When you complete your CKDCF Sponsored Walk Form, you will be asked to tick a box to confirm whether or not you are a UK taxpayer.

Please note that tax can only be reclaimed on donations made by individuals who pay UK income or capital gains tax at least equal to the amount reclaimed on their donations in the current tax year.

What if I am not a UK taxpayer?

The Gift Aid scheme is unique to the UK. If you are not a UK taxpayer, you can still make a donation, but your donation will not attract the 25% tax ‘bonus’.

Gift Aid and JustGiving or Virgin Money Giving:

JustGiving and Virgin Money Giving are set up to automatically reclaim Gift Aid for eligible donations made to the CKDCF.  Just Giving and Virgin Money Giving will ask you a series of questions to assess whether your donation is eligible for Gift Aid.  Please note that donations made in return for concert tickets, or other such items, are not eligible for Gift Aid.

JustGiving or Virgin Money Giving should be used for all fundraising events, INCLUDING THE CKDCF SPONSORED WALK, if you are looking to take advantage of the Gift Aid scheme.

Gift Aid and Paypal:

If you are a UK resident and would like Gift Aid reclaimed on your donations, it is best to use the JustGiving or Virgin Money Giving online donation system.  Paypal is not set up to reclaim gift aid.

Gift Aid and Self Assessment Forms:

If you are a UK taxpayer and complete a Self Assessment tax return and are entitled to a tax refund, you can choose to have all or part of the repayment sent directly to CKDCF – this is called ‘Self Assessment Giving’ or ‘SA Donate’.

You can also ask that the repayment is made as a Gift Aid donation.  HMRC sends your refund (plus any Gift Aid tax repayment) directly to CKDCF.  So please add reference number SAU11CG to your Self Assessment form and nominate CKDCF, thank you.